I know it has nothing to do with painting encaustics but we had to put our 15.5 year old dog down last week. And I am just getting over it now. It was the hardest thing we've ever had to do, but it was the right thing to do. We consulted an energy healer who told us he was toxic and in pain. The animal communicator told us he was empty, and it was his time. He was old, blind, deaf, had kidney failure which created many problems, was in pain and once we realized that we were keeping him alive just for us, we went to the vet hospital and in the kindest, most humane way, they put him to sleep. He knew it was coming. He just lay down and it was all over before the syringe was removed. There was no pain, no suffering. I still question why we make the human's that we love, suffer so as they approach death but for our pets we can be so kind. He was a great dog. He made many people happy in his long life. I think that was his job. I still talk to him and see him in the shadows. RIP Andre aka Bunny