Thursday, November 8, 2007

I let it go

Yesterday, I was at a women's luncheon, only 6 of us, some I knew and some I didn't . We went around the room, having our turn to speak. I was wondering what I would say, as life is so good, no problems, no complaints. When it was my turn, I mentioned that, and then unpremeditated out of my mouth came this story and a huge release. I realized that there has always been a part of me that was afraid of making 'crap'. That seems to be the best word to describe it. Crummy art, wannabe art or even worse, mediocre art. BUT... after finally realizing that this part of me existed, it was like a knock on the side of the head. I let it go, no longer fearing it. I came to the conclusion that art is for the artist, and the joy that one finds in making it. And for the observer who enjoys looking at it. That's it. I think working in Encaustics has freed me up as there is so much potential and it is such a process and one never quite knows how it is all going to work out. When it is done, and I like it, that's grand! If I don't, here comes the torch, melt it down and start again. Life is good

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.